Flutter Widgets Cheat Sheet

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Flutter Firebase Cheat Sheet covers firebase service for the rapid development of flutter applications such as Authentication, posting data and retrieving data from cloud firestore, Uploading an image(cloud storage) on firebase and Push notification(device to device and topic subscription) by firebase messaging.

Flutter Cheat Sheet. In Flutter, we can use the Drawer Widget in combination with a Scaffold to create a layout with a Material Design Drawer. A quick cheatsheet of useful snippet for Flutter. A widget is the basic type of controller in Flutter Material. There are two type of basic Widget we can extend our classes: StatefulWidget or StatelessWidget. StatefulWidget are all the widget that interally have a dynamic value that can change during usage.

Flutter Material Cheat Sheet 📝. Welcome to the cheat sheet for the Flutter Material package! This document should give you an overview of the different naming (there has been a change in the Material spec in 2018), where each Material widget uses which text style and which colors.

Firebase is a development platform created by firebase which is currently managed google. firebase provides a variety of tools and services for rapid development.

We have to set up firebase SDK in flutter before using any of its services. create new Firebase project then select android plate form.

Enter app package name copy it from android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml you can also give app nickname that is totally optional. but make sure of entering SHA-1 as it's required for authentication. you can get your SHA-1 just copy the below code in the terminal for more details(client-auth).

1Flutter Firebase Authentication
1.1Email And Password-based Authentication
4Firebase Push notification(Cloud Messaging)


Flutter Widgets Cheat Sheet


Download google_services.json

The first gaming browser. Opera GX is a special version of the Opera browser built specifically to complement gaming. The browser includes unique features to help you. Opera browser for gaming windows 10. The first gaming browser. Opera for Windows. Download now Download the offline package: 64 bit / 32 bit This is a safe download from opera.com Opera for Mac. Download now Prefer to install Opera later? Download the offline package.

Flutter Firebase Authentication

Authentication is required to be implemented in most of the applications for authorizing users to access flutter screens. firebase gives a variety of authentication options. In this blog email, password and phone authentication.

Add dependencies: firebase_auth: in pubspec.yaml file then install it by flutter pub get in your terminal and import ‘package:firebase_auth/firebase_auth.dart'; in your dart file.more detail(https://pub.dev/packages/firebase_auth#-installing-tab-)

Email And Password-based Authentication

Register User

Login user

Flutter Firebase Phone Authentication

Firebase phone authentication is the most common way for authenticating users. flutter firebase phone authentication is easy to implement.

Check current user detail

Flutter Firebase Cloud firestore

Firebase gives you the power of storing data in NoSQL formate.in cloud firestore we can perform complex Querys such as AND, OR, EQUAL TO very easily. data can be added modified or deleted in Flutter FirebaseCloud Firestore in realtime.


Add dependencies: cloud_firestore: in pubspec.yaml file then install it by flutter pub get in your terminal and import‘package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart';in your dart file more detail(cloud_firestore).

Add data

Flutter layout cheat sheet
  • Update data
  • Delete data
  • Fetch data

Flutter Widgets Cheat Sheet Free

Check if data exists in cloudfirestore!

Flutter Firebase Storage

For storing files in firebase provided its own storing services. In this Flutter Firebase Storage we will see how we can store the image in firebase storage for that we have to use one more plugin to get a file path either from the camera or gallery of the phone.


FirebasePush notification(Cloud Messaging)

We can send app notifications in a flutter by using a firebase cloud messaging service in a flutter. In this, we will see how we can send notifications from one device to another ie. device to device notification and notification with a topic subscription. we also need the Server key of cloud messaging you can get it from project settings in the cloud messaging tab.

Flutter Material Widget



Download google_services.json

The first gaming browser. Opera GX is a special version of the Opera browser built specifically to complement gaming. The browser includes unique features to help you. Opera browser for gaming windows 10. The first gaming browser. Opera for Windows. Download now Download the offline package: 64 bit / 32 bit This is a safe download from opera.com Opera for Mac. Download now Prefer to install Opera later? Download the offline package.

Flutter Firebase Authentication

Authentication is required to be implemented in most of the applications for authorizing users to access flutter screens. firebase gives a variety of authentication options. In this blog email, password and phone authentication.

Add dependencies: firebase_auth: in pubspec.yaml file then install it by flutter pub get in your terminal and import ‘package:firebase_auth/firebase_auth.dart'; in your dart file.more detail(https://pub.dev/packages/firebase_auth#-installing-tab-)

Email And Password-based Authentication

Register User

Login user

Flutter Firebase Phone Authentication

Firebase phone authentication is the most common way for authenticating users. flutter firebase phone authentication is easy to implement.

Check current user detail

Flutter Firebase Cloud firestore

Firebase gives you the power of storing data in NoSQL formate.in cloud firestore we can perform complex Querys such as AND, OR, EQUAL TO very easily. data can be added modified or deleted in Flutter FirebaseCloud Firestore in realtime.

Add dependencies: cloud_firestore: in pubspec.yaml file then install it by flutter pub get in your terminal and import‘package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart';in your dart file more detail(cloud_firestore).

Add data

  • Update data
  • Delete data
  • Fetch data

Flutter Widgets Cheat Sheet Free

Check if data exists in cloudfirestore!

Flutter Firebase Storage

For storing files in firebase provided its own storing services. In this Flutter Firebase Storage we will see how we can store the image in firebase storage for that we have to use one more plugin to get a file path either from the camera or gallery of the phone.


FirebasePush notification(Cloud Messaging)

We can send app notifications in a flutter by using a firebase cloud messaging service in a flutter. In this, we will see how we can send notifications from one device to another ie. device to device notification and notification with a topic subscription. we also need the Server key of cloud messaging you can get it from project settings in the cloud messaging tab.

Flutter Material Widget

Device to device notification

Before sending notification from one device to other we need to store the token in the database.

Topic Subscription

Flutter Layout Cheat Sheet

In topic subscription, we need to subscribe to a topic then send a notification on that topic added by the device.

GX Corner Free Games. What I love about this gaming browser most is its always up to date on the latest free games. I've downloaded multiple windows games that I'd be slow to find had I not had this browser thinking on all the free games I've missed out on. My favorite Rise of the tomb raider thanks to GX corner Hitman Assassins. Gx corner games for free. The most gaming-specific feature is the 'GX Corner' tab. Clicking the controller-shaped icon at the top of Opera GX's sidebar opens a window with recent gaming-related news stories, links to free. @driphsaka Your screenshot doesn't show GX Corner, what is the section that shows the news on games and release dates, what means that it was probably disabled or put in the sidebar. Check the sidebar easy setup to see if it was not the case.

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